I have the following large html table: https://gist.github.com/hbizira/21016ff3df67fdae3969
And I'm using the datetime-moment datatables plugin. At the end of the above file, I have the following javascript code:
$(document).ready(function() {
$.fn.dataTable.moment( 'MM/DD/YYYY hh:mm A');
window.dataTable = $('#leads').dataTable({
displayLength: 25,
lengthChange: false,
statesave: false
{ column_number: 1, filter_type: "range_date", filter_container_id: "leads_filter_date_range", filter_default_label: [ "From", "To" ] },
{ column_number: 11,
filter_type: 'custom_func',
custom_func: customStatusFilter,
data: [
{ value: 'pending', label: 'Pending' },
{ value: 'qualified', label: 'Qualified' },
{ value: 'pending_and_qualified', label: 'Both Pending & Qualified' }
filter_container_id: "leads_filter_status",
filter_default_label: ""
However, the "last action taken" column doesn't seem to sort properly at all. There are entries from 2015 that don't show up when I attempt to sort by most recent entry in that column.