You all have been so helpful, and I was wondering whether I might trouble you a bit more. I have nearly completed my conversion from to VBA for Outlook, and in order to complete that, I need some information on what exactly a particular piece of code is returning. If you all can help out with that, the problem may go away; if not, I might need some help on this invalid qualifier error.
From what I understand, I declare an 'array' in VBA with a command like this:
Dim Computers(1, 1) As String
Which produces a 2x2 array. I then try to fill it like this:
Computers.Add ComputerName, ErrorState
where ComputerName and ErrorState are variables which I have already filled. This results in the error. I will provide you with the entire relevant section below. I need to know how many relevant items are in the outlook inbox, which means checking if they were sent on today's date and by the correct sender. I need this in order to get the correct dimensions on the array Computers. (The array is filled in right now as I know the correct dimensions, but in practise I will not.) I took a piece of code which I found through google, the Scripting Dictionary output, but I do not fully understand it. I need just the number of emails, without any irrelevant text, and I was hoping that the debug line would be able to tell me which command I would need to return the number and nothing else. Unfortunately, because of the above error, I cannot get to this line. Even by stepping through the code, the very first thing it tells me is that there is a problem here. The entire relevant section is below. I know that the formatting is problematic, but I have only been working with VB.NET for 4 days, and this is my second day of working with VBA, so I do not quite have everything down yet. There's some irrelevant stuff in here, I'm pretty sure, but I do not have the experience to make the call of whether something is relevant or not, so I left it all. Sorry for the length!
Private Sub Main()
Dim objOutlook As Outlook.Application
Dim Inbox As Outlook.MAPIFolder
Dim InboxItems As Outlook.Items
Dim Mailobject As Object
Dim strDate As String
Dim ComputerName As Object
Dim ErrorState As Object
Dim DateToday As String: DateToday = Format(Date, "yyyy/MM/dd")
Dim SenderEmail As String
Dim Computers(1, 1) As String
Dim compLength As Integer
Dim disabledList As Collection
Dim enabledList As Collection
Dim unknownList As Collection
Dim notpresentList As Collection
Dim problemList As Collection
Dim cArrayLength As Integer
Dim I As Integer
Dim J As Integer
Dim objOutlookMsg As Outlook.MailItem
Dim objOutlookRecip As Outlook.Recipient
Dim EmailCount As Integer
Dim compArray() As String
'\\ load csv declarations
Dim file_name As String
Dim fnum As Integer
Dim whole_file As String
Dim lines As Variant
Dim one_line As Variant
Dim num_rows As Long
Dim num_cols As Long
Dim R As Long
Dim C As Long
Set disabledList = New Collection
Set enabledList = New Collection
Set unknownList = New Collection
Set notpresentList = New Collection
Set problemList = New Collection
'\\Retrieve info from outlook, add to sorted list Computers
objOutlook = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Inbox = objOutlook.GetNamespace("Mapi").GetDefaultFolder(6)
InboxItems = Inbox.Items
InboxItems.SetColumns ("SentOn")
Dim myItems As Outlook.Items
Dim dict As Object
Dim msg As String
Set dict = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
myItems.SetColumns ("SentOn")
EmailCount = InboxItems.Count
For Each Mailobject In InboxItems
strDate = GetDate(Mailobject.SentOn)
If Not dict.Exists(strDate) Then
dict(strDate) = 0
End If
dict(strDate) = CLng(dict(strDate)) + 1
Next Mailobject
'\\ need redo to assign number of objects to CompLength
msg = ""
For Each o In dict.Keys
msg = msg & o & ": " & dict(o) & " items" & vbCrLf
Debug.Print msg
For Each Mailobject In InboxItems
ComputerName = Mailobject.Subject
ErrorState = Mailobject.Body
strDate = GetDate(Mailobject.SentOn)
SenderEmail = Mailobject.SenderEmailAddress
If strDate = DateToday And SenderEmail = "" Then
'\\ Syntax is (key, value)
Computers.Add ComputerName, ErrorState
End If
Next Mailobject
This website has been incredibly helpful as not only a place for me to ask questions but also as a place for me to find relevant information without having to trouble you all. Unfortunately, it is all too often that I do have to trouble you all, but every time you have been very kind and helpful. And I would like to thank you for that.