I have a table that looks like this:
ID Survival Event Allele
2 5 1 WildType
2 0 1 WildType
3 3 1 WildType
4 38 0 Variant
I want to do a kaplan meier plot, and tell me if wild type or variants tend to survive longer.
I have this code:
Table <-read.table("Table1",header=T)
From the fit p value, I can see that the survival of these two groups have significantly different survival curves.
survdiff(formula = Surv(dat$Death, dat$Event) ~ dat$Allele, rho = 0)
N Observed Expected (O-E)^2/E (O-E)^2/V
dat$Allele=Variant 5592 3400 3503 3.00 8.63
dat$Allele=WildType 3232 2056 1953 5.39 8.63
Chisq= 8.6 on 1 degrees of freedom, p= 0.0033
The plot looks as expected (i.e. two curves).
All I want to do is put a legend on the plot, so that I can see which data is represented by the black and red lines, i.e. do the Wild Type or Variant survive longer.
I have tried these two commands:
lab <-gsub("x=","",names(fit$strata))
The first command works (i.e. I get no error). The second command, I get this error:
Error in strwidth(legend, units = "user", cex = cex, font = text.font) : plot.new has not been called yet
I've tried reading forums etc., but none of the answers seem to work for me (for example, changing between top/topright/topleft etc. doesn't matter).
Edit 1: This is an example of a table for which I get this error:
ID Survival Event Allele
25808 5 1 WTHomo
22196 0 1 Variant
22518 3 1 Variant
25013 38 0 Variant
27354 5 1 Variant
27223 4 1 Variant
22700 5 1 Variant
22390 24 1 Variant
17586 1 1 Variant
What exactly happens is: when I type the very last command ( legend("top",legend=lab,col=3:4,lty=2:3,horiz=FALSE,bty='n')), the XII window opens, except it's completely blank.
But then if you just type "plot(fit,lty=2:3,col=3:4)", the XII window and the plot appear.
Edit 2: Also, this graph will have two lines, how do I tell which line is which variable? Would the easiest way to do this be to type summary(fit) which gives me two tables. Then, whichever variable comes first in the table, I put in first in the legend?
Many thanks Eva