I have the following columns in my table name Trip;
trip_no (PK, int, not null),
ID_company (FK, int not null),
plane (char(25), not null),
town_from (char(25) not null),
town_to (char(25) not null),
time_out (datetime, not null),
time_in (datetime, not null),
time_out_only (time(0), null),
time_in_only (time(0) null),
time_in_flight (time(0) null);
For the last three columns My first row would look like this;
time_out_only time_in_only time_in_flight
14:30:00 17:50:00 null
I want the time in flight to compute to 02:20:00. So I tried the the code to time_in_flight equal to time_in_only less time_out_only, as follows,
SET time_in_flight = time_in_only - time_out_only;
The error message I receive is
"Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Line 2. Incorrect syntax near 'Time_in_Flight".
Unless I am incorrect in is using SET and I should be using a different function, I am confused as to where I am going wrong. However I thought this syntax worked for me before.
Can anyone guide me on where I am going wrong here, and help me figure out how to subtract the two columns using some function and formula.
Thanks Josie