I just started coding an application, my idea is to create something like StreamMyGame but for personal use, there is already a project called Single Player Game Transmiter that achieves some of this (http://sourceforge.net/projects/spgt/files/).
So far I'm not encoding nor streaming, I'm just capturing video and displaying it in my app window.
So how could I handle encoding/streaming? I was thinking an UDP stream of raw JPEGs would be the easiest path but I'm not sure.
Also how could I optimize what I have so far? It works fine for video playback but when capturing game windows it doesn't seem as snappy as the original video, I think it might be due to the fact that it's running in the background. That leads me to another question, how can I capture the Window with the specified title instead of the active Window?
Some tests with the current Capture Method:
Video Player Capture (960x720p)
starting benchmark
looking for window: test.mp4
looking for window: test.mp4
looking for window: test.mp4
looking for window: test.mp4
looking for window: test.mp4
starting single thread capture only test
Time Elapsed: 19480 milliseconds
Frame Time: 32 milliseconds
Rough FPS: 30
Sleeping 2 seconds
starting single thread capture and save as bmp test
Time Elapsed: 19768 milliseconds
Frame Time: 32 milliseconds
Rough FPS: 30
Sleeping 2 seconds
starting single thread capture and save as jpg test
Time Elapsed: 28593 milliseconds
Frame Time: 47 milliseconds
Rough FPS: 20
Sleeping 2 seconds
starting dual thread capture only test
Time Elapsed: 19515 milliseconds
Frame Time: 32 milliseconds
Rough FPS: 30
Sleeping 2 seconds
starting quad thread capture only test
Time Elapsed: 19481 milliseconds
Frame Time: 32 milliseconds
Rough FPS: 30
Sleeping 2 seconds
Crysis 2 Capture (1024x768p)
starting benchmark
looking for window: Crysis 2 (TM)
looking for window: Crysis 2 (TM)
looking for window: Crysis 2 (TM)
looking for window: Crysis 2 (TM)
looking for window: Crysis 2 (TM)
looking for window: Crysis 2 (TM)
looking for window: Crysis 2 (TM)
starting single thread capture only test
Time Elapsed: 20003 milliseconds
Frame Time: 33 milliseconds
Rough FPS: 29
Sleeping 2 seconds
starting single thread capture and save as bmp test
Time Elapsed: 20105 milliseconds
Frame Time: 33 milliseconds
Rough FPS: 29
Sleeping 2 seconds
starting single thread capture and save as jpg test
Time Elapsed: 17353 milliseconds
Frame Time: 28 milliseconds
Rough FPS: 34
Sleeping 2 seconds
starting dual thread capture only test
Time Elapsed: 19991 milliseconds
Frame Time: 33 milliseconds
Rough FPS: 30
Sleeping 2 seconds
starting quad thread capture only test
Time Elapsed: 19983 milliseconds
Frame Time: 33 milliseconds
Rough FPS: 30
Sleeping 2 seconds
Saving image to BMP doesn't really add any overhead but saving as JPG does which gives me an idea of the overhead encoding to video could have. Still the biggest issue is getting the frames themselves it's too slow as it is now, it can't keep up and as a result some frames are missing. If frames could be captured at 60+ fps the encoding + streaming delay could be really manageable for single player games.
I will try a DX hook approach to get the frames.