I have a problem that I have a ClassA needs RoomService
to be injected, and it works fine that I find in ClassA, the roomService's id is the same.
While for some reason, I need roomservice to create room instance based on some input param for me, so I use below config to achieve this:
public class Application {
private static ApplicationContext ctx = new AnnotationConfigApplicationContext(Application.class);
public static ApplicationContext getApplicationContext(){
return ctx;
public RoomService roomService(){
return new RoomService();//Singleton
public AbstractRoom room(AbstractRoom.Mode roomMode){
RoomService roomService = (RoomService) ctx.getBean(RoomService.class);
LogUtil.debug("--------from application:" +roomService.id1);//here, I find the id is different every time
return roomService.newRoom(roomMode);
The problem is that I need RoomService
to be singleton, but I find that in the Application.java , the ctx.getBean(roomService) always returns a different bean which has different id. Isn't Spring should reuse the same bean? Why is that?
Here is how I create a room in RoomService.java
public AbstractRoom createRoom(String userID,int playerCount,Mode roomMode){
ApplicationContext ctx =Application.getApplicationContext();
AbstractRoom room = (AbstractRoom)ctx.getBean(AbstractRoom.class,roomMode);
I tried reusing the same ctx and it does not work. One hint is that I find my constructor of RoomService()
is called several times(I put a break point in it.) when I run tomcat to start it
Here is my web.xml
"-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Web Application 2.3//EN"
"http://java.sun.com/dtd/web-app_2_3.dtd" >
Please help!