I am creating a WordPress plugin which allows a user to apply sorting rules to a particular template (page, archive, single etc). I am populating list of pages using PHP scandir like so:
$files = scandir(get_template_directory());
The problem is that I keep single.php templates in a '/single' subfolder so these templates are not being called by the above function.
How can I use multiple directories within the scandir function (perhaps an array?) or will I need a different solution?
So basically I am trying to:
$files = scandir( get_template_directory() AND get_template_directory().'/single' );
My current solution (not very elegant as it requires 2 for each loops):
function query_caller_is_template_file_get_template_files()
$template_files_list = array();
$files = scandir(get_template_directory());
$singlefiles = scandir(get_template_directory().'/single');
foreach($files as $file)
if(strpos($file, '.php') === FALSE)
$template_files_list[] = $file;
foreach($singlefiles as $singlefile)
if(strpos($file, '.php') === FALSE)
$template_files_list[] = $singlefile;
return $template_files_list;