In XQuery 3.1 I am constructing an HTML table. In one <td>
element I'm outputting a series of <a ref="">
So, currently this simple for
for $b in collection($globalvar:URIdata)/tei:TEI/tei:text//tei:seg[@type="dep_event"
and @corresp = $a/data(@corresp)
and @xml:id != $a/data(@xml:id)]
order by $b/data(@xml:id)
return <a href="{concat($globalvar:URLdoc,$b/ancestor::tei:TEI/tei:text/@xml:id)}">{$b/data(@xml:id)}</a>
Outputs this:
<a href="http://localhost:8081/exist/apps/deheresi/doc/MS609-0006">MS609-0006-8</a>
<a href="http://localhost:8081/exist/apps/deheresi/doc/MS609-0419">MS609-0419-5</a>
<a href="http://localhost:8081/exist/apps/deheresi/doc/MS609-0613">MS609-0613-4</a>
But I'd like it to output the list of <a href="">
separated by commas:
<a href="http://localhost:8081/exist/apps/deheresi/doc/MS609-0006">MS609-0006-8</a>,
<a href="http://localhost:8081/exist/apps/deheresi/doc/MS609-0419">MS609-0419-5</a>,
<a href="http://localhost:8081/exist/apps/deheresi/doc/MS609-0613">MS609-0613-4</a>
EDIT: below works...but does not output the results in desired order and I cannot get order by $b/data(@xml:id)
to work with it due to an "cardinality" problem (that did not pop up in the original).
let $coll := collection($globalvar:URIdata)/tei:TEI/tei:text//tei:seg[@type="dep_event"
and @corresp = $a/data(@corresp)
and @xml:id != $a/data(@xml:id)]
let $last := count($coll)
for $b at $position in $coll
return (<a href="{concat($globalvar:URLdoc,$b/ancestor::tei:TEI/tei:text/@xml:id)}">{$b/data(@xml:id)}</a>,
if ($position ne $last) then ', ' else '')
Many thanks in advance for any advice.