In my application I have a Thought model which has content and author attributes.
I want to create multiple thoughts at once using new form. But this is not a case of nested forms as i am not using any associated models.
Please suggest some solution.
Thanks in advance!
You can try with the below solution
In your View File
<%= form_tag your_action_path do %>
<% 4.times do |i|%>
Content : <%= text_area_tag :thought_content, "", :name => "thoughts[][content]" %>
Author : <%= text_field_tag :thought_author, "", :name => "thoughts[][author]" %>
<% end %>
<%= submit_tag "Submit" %>
<% end %>
Controller Code:
def your_action
params[:thoughts].each do |thought_params|
#Any further code#
Hope it works for you :)
In frontend you can use jquery onClick function to add fields for more thoughts ie you can add a link called "add more" & create a jquery function to add fields for another thought in the same form with dynamic field names & in the backend you can use
@thoughts = Thought.create([{ author: 'Chicago', content: 'content' }, { author: 'Chicago', content: 'content' }, .......])
to create multiple entries in one go.