SQLiteConstraintException: column id is not unique

2019-08-08 17:51发布


I have a table in my database, when adding new record I am checking if the record exists using the id.If it does, I want to update the record and if it doesn't add a new record. But am getting the exception:

2006-2259/? E/SQLiteDatabase﹕ Error inserting id=080333 phone=080333 total_owed=15050.0 total_debts=0 name=Alison Jones android.database.sqlite.SQLiteConstraintException: column id is not unique (code 19)

This is the method that checks if a record exists:

 public boolean checkIfExists(String tableName, String value) {

    SQLiteDatabase database = this.getReadableDatabase();

    String Query = "Select * from " + tableName + " where " + DEBTOR_ID + " = " + value;
    Cursor cursor = database.rawQuery(Query, null);
    if(cursor.getCount() <= 0){
        return false;
    return true;


and it is being used here:


            if (databaseHandler.checkIfExists(DebtDatabaseHandler.DEBTOR_TABLE_NAME, params[1])) {
                Log.d("NewDebtFragment", "Record already exist");
                databaseHandler.updateRecord(2, debtor.getTotalAmountOwed() + 50000);
            } else {
                debtorId = databaseHandler.addDebtor(debtor);

Since this is a conflict issue, obviously the check for existing record isn't working.I don't why this is because the code seem fine (?)

This is how am creating the table:

            DEBTOR_ID + " TEXT PRIMARY KEY, " +
            DEBTOR_NAME + " TEXT, " +
            PHONE_NUMBER + " TEXT, "+
            TOTAL_DEBTS + " INTEGER, " +
            TOTAL_OWED + " INTEGER) ";

and the updateRecord method:

 public void updateRecord(int newTotalDebt, double newTotalOwed) {

    SQLiteDatabase db = this.getWritableDatabase();
    ContentValues contentValues = new ContentValues();
    contentValues.put(TOTAL_DEBTS, newTotalDebt);
    contentValues.put(TOTAL_OWED, newTotalOwed);

    db.update(DEBTOR_TABLE_NAME, contentValues, DEBTOR_ID, null);



Replace your query with the below

 String Query = "Select * from " + tableName + " where " + DEBTOR_ID + " = '" + value+"'";

since selection value is string , it must be enclosed in single quote.

Updated :
Instead of writing whole bunch code for checking whether record exits or not if exits then udpating that record, you can replace all these things with a simple single line.


It will internally handles the exception, CONFLICT_REPLACE it specifies that When a UNIQUE constraint violation occurs, the pre-existing rows that are causing the constraint violation are removed prior to inserting or updating the current row.