I have a script to upload files with PHP.
I already do some cleaning to remove ugly characters.
I would also like to to remove dots in the filename, EXCEPT for the last one, which indicates the file extension.
Anyone has an idea how I could do that.?
For example, how would you get
$filename = "water.fall_blue.sky.jpg";
$filename2 = "water.fall_blue.sky.jpeg";
to return this in both cases..?
Use pathinfo()
to extract the file name (the "filename" array element is available since PHP 5.2); str_replace()
all the dots out of it; and re-glue the file extension.
Here's an example of how this can be done:
$string = "really.long.file.name.txt";
$lastDot = strrpos($string, ".");
$string = str_replace(".", "", substr($string, 0, $lastDot)) . substr($string, $lastDot);
It converts filenames like so:
really.long.file.name.txt -> reallylongfilename.txt
Check here: example
[Edit] Updated script, dot position is cached now
FILENAME = this/is(your,file.name.JPG
//replace all these characters with an hyphen
$repar=array(".",","," ",";","'","\\","\"","/","(",")","?");
RESULT = this-is-your-file-name.jpg