This is my first post on the forums, i've been lurking forever now. About time to say hello! I did use the search, but either nobody else has this specific issue, or they don't utilize the comment section the way we do.
We like to send updates to customers through the order comment section of the order page. The email that is sent does not hold any of the line breaks that were used in the original comment. If you have 5 separate sentences, the email shows one big paragraph.
This is really annoying, because our message becomes a big mess. We have to give the customer a series of information about their order, and instructions on how to process with the issue on hand. Here's two images of what i'm talking about
I have images but I can't post them because I need 10 rep. hmm..
As you can see, this is just an example and not a long comment, But our regular emails can have a lot of information, and maybe some up-selling.