This is the only official doc I could find on ko.applyBindings():
It's not a real formal written document that says exactly what is optional/etc. In testing it appears that calling ko.applyBindings() allows for bindings on a global scope, and it appears to work fine. Has anyone that studied the source code (or know more about KO than I do), know if this is safe or not? Any performance issues?
This is the start of my "app" object for an SPA I'm working on:
var app = {
self: this,
datacontext: new DataContext(),
dataservice: new DataService(),
viewModels: {
main: new MainViewModel(),
folderDetails: new FolderDetailsViewModel()
init: function() {
Sammy(function() {
this.get('#:folder', function() {
// Override this function so that Sammy doesn't mess with forms
this._checkFormSubmission = function(form) {
return (false);
doFolderRoute: function(id) {
console.log("doFolderRoute: " + id);
I could do ko.applyBindings(self.viewModels), to restrict data-bind to the models... but I kind of like the freedom of being able to bind to anything and don't mind (even like) typing out app.viewModels.main in my code, vs just "main".