Is it safe to call ko.applyBindings without any pa

2019-08-08 15:59发布


This is the only official doc I could find on ko.applyBindings():

It's not a real formal written document that says exactly what is optional/etc. In testing it appears that calling ko.applyBindings() allows for bindings on a global scope, and it appears to work fine. Has anyone that studied the source code (or know more about KO than I do), know if this is safe or not? Any performance issues?

This is the start of my "app" object for an SPA I'm working on:

var app = {

self: this,
datacontext: new DataContext(),
dataservice: new DataService(),
viewModels: {
    main: new MainViewModel(),
    folderDetails: new FolderDetailsViewModel()

init: function() {


    Sammy(function() {

        this.get('#:folder', function() {

        // Override this function so that Sammy doesn't mess with forms
        this._checkFormSubmission = function(form) {
            return (false);



doFolderRoute: function(id) {
    console.log("doFolderRoute: " + id);

I could do ko.applyBindings(self.viewModels), to restrict data-bind to the models... but I kind of like the freedom of being able to bind to anything and don't mind (even like) typing out app.viewModels.main in my code, vs just "main".


By using ko.applyBindings(), Knockout won't know about your view model. $root won't be set and neither will $data at the root level. Obviously, you can simply not reference those variables. Also the event bindings pass $data to the event handler function, which in this case will be undefined.


Just FYI - This is my updated app (still work in progress obviously):

I figured out self: this I had in the original code was pointing to window, so obviously that was a bad idea and one reason I was getting weird results when I tried ko.applyBindings(self.viewModels).

var app = {

datacontext: new DataContext(),
dataservice: new DataService(),
viewModels: {
    main: new MainViewModel(),
    folderDetails: new FolderDetailsViewModel()

init: function() {


    Sammy(function() {

        this.get('#:folder', function() {

        // Override this function so that Sammy doesn't mess with forms
        this._checkFormSubmission = function(form) {
            return (false);




doFolderRoute: function(id) {
    console.log("doFolderRoute: " + id);

标签: knockout.js