I wrote a REST server based on netty 4. The client handler looks something like the following.
The bytebuffer capacity in the msg provided by netty varies. When the client message is larger than the buffer the message gets split. What I find is that both channelRead and ChannelReadComplete get called for each fragment. What I usually see is that the ByteBuf is around 512, and the message around 600. I get a channelRead for the first 512 bytes, followed by a ChannelReadComplete for them, and then another channelRead for the remaining 100 bytes and a channelReadComplete for them - 2 messages instead of 1.
I found a few related questions here, but I am wondering what is the point of channelReadComplete? Is it really called after every channelRead? As long as there are bytes available, shouldn't they be read in before channelReadComplete is called?
public class ClientHandler extends ChannelInboundHandlerAdapter {
public void channelRead(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, Object msg) throws Exception {
Report.debug("Read from client");
ByteBuf buf = (ByteBuf) msg;
String contents = buf.toString(io.netty.util.CharsetUtil.US_ASCII);
ClientConnection client = ClientConnection.get(ctx);
if (client != null) {
client.messageText(contents); // adds text to buffer
((parse serial number from contents, process registration))
ClientConnection.online(serialNumber, ctx); // register success, create the client object
public void channelReadComplete(ChannelHandlerContext ctx) throws Exception {
ClientConnection client = ClientConnection.get(ctx);
if (client == null)
Report.debug("completed read of message from unregistered client");
else {
Report.debug("completed read of message from client " + client.serialNumber());
String contents = client.messageText();
... ((process message))