I have a Stored Procedure that retrieves employee daily summary intime - outtime:
SELECT ads.attendancesumid,
ads.day, -- month day number
--employee shift intime and outtime
FROM employee_attendance_daily_summary ads
JOIN employee emp
ON emp.employeeid = ads.employeeid
JOIN setup_shift ss
ON ss.shiftcode = emp.shiftcode
AND DATEPART(dw, ads.date) = ss.day
WHERE ads.employeeid = 4 -- just to filter one employee
The result of the query is something like this:
Each day
is repeated 3 times because table setup_shift
(employee shifts) has:
Monday to Sunday for 3 different shift types: DAY, AFTERNOON and NIGHT.
Here is the same info but with the shift type column:
What I need is to ONLY get 1 row per day but with the closest employee shift depending on the intime
and outtime
So the desire result should looks like this:
Any clue on how to do this? Appreciate it in advance.
I have also these case where intime
is 00:00:00
but outtime
has a value:
select ads.attendancesumid,
from employee_attendance_daily_summary ads
join employee emp
on emp.employeeid = ads.employeeid
join setup_shift ss
on ss.shiftcode = emp.shiftcode
and datepart(dw, ads.date) = ss.day
where ads.employeeid = 4
and ((abs(datediff(hh,
cast(ads.intime as datetime),
cast(ss.intime as datetime))) between 0 and 2) or
(ads.intime = '00:00:00' and
ss.intime =
(select min(x.intime)
from setup_shift x
where x.shiftcode = ss.shiftcode
and x.intime > (select min(y.intime)
from setup_shift y
where y.shiftcode = x.shiftcode))))
This would be much easier if the times were in seconds after midnight, rather than in a time
, datetime
, or string format. You can convert them using the formula:
select datepart(hour, intime) * 3600 + datepart(minute, intime) * 60 + datepart(second, intime)
(Part of this is just my own discomfort with all the nested functions needed to handle other data types.)
So, let me assume that you have a series of similar columns measured in seconds. You can then approach this problem by taking the overlap with each shift and choosing the shift with the largest overlap.
with t as (
<your query here>
ts as (
select t.*,
(datepart(hour, ads.intime) * 3600 + datepart(minute, ads.intime) * 60 +
datepart(second, ads.intime)
) as e_intimes,
. . .
from t
tss as (
select ts.*,
(case when e_intimes >= s_outtimes then 0
when e_outtimes <= s_inttimes then 0
else (case when e_outtimes < s_outtimes then e_outtimes else s_outtimes end) -
(case when e_intimes > s_intimes then e_intimes else s_intimes end)
end) as overlap
from ts
select ts.*
from (select ts.*,
row_number() over (partition by employeeid, date
order by overlap desc
) as seqnum
from ts
) ts
where seqnum = 1;
Try this man,I just take the minimum time difference of the each set datediff(mi,intime,shift_intime)
Select * from
row_number() over(partition by employeeid
order by datediff(mi,intime,shift_intime) asc) as id,
attendance,employeeid,date,day,intime,outime,shiftintime,shiftoutime from table
where id=1