I'm trying to learn x86 assembly. The book I'm using is Assembly Language - Step by Step, Programming With Linux
(and I'd have to say it's pretty good). I've learned a lot so far, but I feel as though I should also be challenging myself to stay ahead in many respects so I can learn faster through doing (I can do follow along, top-down learning, but I find it tediously slow).
So, I figured it would be a cool idea to try and multiply two registers (32-bit) and then output the data to the console.
The problem is that when I execute the program (I'm using NASM, just as the book does - no Insight debugger though), I receive a segmentation fault. I've done a fair amount of debugging in gdb with this little hammer out, but for whatever reason I can't seem to figure out what the issue is.
I'd like to know why I'm receiving a segmentation fault, and what a good way would be to reprimand the issue. Also, if the comments I've made in the code don't match up with what exactly is happening, I'd be grateful if anyone could correct me on that.
Here's my code so far (it's well commented)
teh codez
section .data
section .bss
valueToPrint: resb 4 ;alloc 4 bytes of data in 'valueToPrint'
section .text
global _start
mov eax, 0x2A ;store 42 in eax
mov edx, 0x2A ;store 42 in edx
mul eax
mov eax, 1 ;initiate 'exit' syscall
mov ebx, 0 ;exit with error code 0
int 0x80 ;invoke kernel to do its bidding
nop ;used to keep gdb from complaining
call _mul ;multiply the values
mov [valueToPrint], eax ;store address of eax in the contents of valueToPrint
mov eax, 4 ;specify a system write call - aka syswrite
mov ebx, 1 ;direction used to make the syswrite call output to console - i.e. stdout
mov dword [ecx], valueToPrint ;store valueToPrint in ecx: ecx represents the syswrite register
int 0x80 ;invoke kernel based on the given parameters
call _safe_exit
Also, I'm running Arch Linux, if that makes a difference.