On codepen I'm testing some frame classes on span
and an empty span
. In order to ensure the empty span
matches the height of the others I'm using calc
math give it min-height
but this calculation seems to require knowing line-height
. Is there a way to ensure the min-height
without needing to know the line-height
? Also I don't understand why the vertical-align
aligns the empty one with the others while baseline
doesn't. If anyone can explain that or suggest alternative that'd be awesome
.frame-apply {
--sum-border: calc(2 * var(--frame-border-width, 0));
--sum-padding-y: calc(2 * var(--frame-padding-y));
border-image: none;
border-radius: var(--radii-medium);
border-style: solid;
border-width: var(--frame-border-width, 0);
display: inline-block;
/* Using middle aligns the empty one with the others
I don't understand why it doesn't align correctly as baseline */
vertical-align: middle;
/* min-height only seems necssary to fill the empty one
It'd be better to avoid needing to know line-height */
min-height: calc(
var(--sum-padding-y) +
var(--sum-border) +
1em * var(--test-line)
min-width: 0;
.frame-dense {
--frame-padding-y: 3px;
--frame-padding-x: 11px;
--frame-border-width: 1px;
.frame-basic {
--frame-padding-y: 7px;
--frame-padding-x: 15px;
--frame-border-width: 1px;
.frame-plush {
--frame-padding-y: 11px;
--frame-padding-x: 23px;
--frame-border-width: 1px;
/* Test values ideally all scale */
:root {
--test-size calc(1rem * 14px / 16px);
--test-line: 1.5;
.font-test {
font-size: var(--test-size);
line-height: var(--test-line);
The easiest way to fix all the issue (min-height and alignment) is to rely on flexbox where all the elements will by default stretch to fill the height of their line:
figure {
figcaption {
figure > * {
margin-right:4px!important; /*to replace the default whitespace*/
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://unpkg.com/@plangrid/structure@0.36.0/main.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://unpkg.com/@plangrid/structure@0.36.0/root.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://unpkg.com/@plangrid/paint@0.34.0/blending.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://unpkg.com/@plangrid/paint@0.34.0/live.css">
Preset classes in HTML are from
.frame-apply {
--sum-border: calc(2 * var(--frame-border-width, 0));
--sum-padding-y: calc(2 * var(--frame-padding-y));
border-image: none;
border-radius: var(--radii-medium);
border-style: solid;
border-width: var(--frame-border-width, 0);
min-width: 0;
.frame-dense {
--frame-padding-y: 3px;
--frame-padding-x: 11px;
--frame-border-width: 1px;
.frame-basic {
--frame-padding-y: 7px;
--frame-padding-x: 15px;
--frame-border-width: 1px;
.frame-plush {
--frame-padding-y: 11px;
--frame-padding-x: 23px;
--frame-border-width: 1px;
/* Test values ideally all scale */
:root {
--test-size calc(1rem * 14px / 16px);
--test-line: 1.5;
.font-test {
font-size: var(--test-size);
line-height: var(--test-line);
<figure class="preset-box mb3">
<figcaption class="font-os mb1">frame-dense</figcaption>
<span class="font-os font-test preset-box frame-apply frame-dense">span</span>
<button class="font-os font-test preset-button frame-apply frame-dense ccc-black ggg-transparent bbb-black" type="button" disabled>button</button>
<input class="font-os font-test preset-input frame-apply frame-dense ccc-black ggg-transparent bbb-black" value="input" disabled>
<span class="font-os font-test preset-box frame-apply frame-dense "></span>
<span class="font-os">← empty</span>
<figure class="preset-box mb3">
<figcaption class="font-os mb1">frame-basic</figcaption>
<span class="font-os font-test preset-box frame-apply frame-basic">span</span>
<button class="font-os font-test preset-button frame-apply frame-basic ccc-black ggg-transparent bbb-black" type="button" disabled>button</button>
<input class="font-os font-test preset-input frame-apply frame-basic ccc-black ggg-transparent bbb-black" value="input" disabled>
<span class="font-os font-test preset-box frame-apply frame-basic"></span>
<span class="font-os">← empty</span>
<figure class="preset-box mb3">
<figcaption class="font-os mb1">frame-plush</figcaption>
<span class="font-os font-test preset-box frame-apply frame-plush">span</span>
<button class="font-os font-test preset-button frame-apply frame-plush ccc-black ggg-transparent bbb-black" type="button" disabled>button</button>
<input class="font-os font-test preset-input frame-apply frame-plush ccc-black ggg-transparent bbb-black" value="input" disabled>
<span class="font-os font-test preset-box frame-apply frame-plush"></span>
<span class="font-os">← empty</span>