How to make sure (in compile-time) that collection

2019-08-08 14:42发布


Let's say I have indexed collection (List or Map doesn't matter here):

val zipped = List(1 -> "A", 3 -> "C", 8 -> "D")

It's hard to work with such (as every operation, like map, has to deal with index), so what I want to pass into business handler is:

case class Indexed[T](seq: Seq[T], i: Seq[Int])

val unzipped = Indexed(List("A", "C", "D"), List(1,3,8))


But I need user to be restricted, to do only map, filter, collect, contains, forall, scanLeft and so on. But not flatMap (except filter-like), sort, ++ and so forth. So any bijection/surjection, but not injection-like. In a pinch, user can live without filter/flatMap, so having Functor, but not Monad could be fine for me - anyway acceptable List[Option[T]] => List[T] from my original requirements isn't complete Monad (M[M[T]] => M[T], T => M[T]).

toList, toSet are acceptable, but I also want to be sure that returning (from business handler) collection is based on original one. I can do this by adding path-dependent Tag (path-dependent type) to the type signature of original collection and require same-tagged collection as a return type (which can be cheated only with asInstanceOf). My first requirements can be satisfied by implementing my own Traversable.

So my own "wheel" to solve this is just a wrapper (with only subset of operations permitted + tags for making sure that collection is same):

 trait NonReorderedListT {
     trait Tag

 trait NonReorderedList[Tg <: NonReorderedListT#Tag, T] {
   type Tag = Tg 
   def map[U](f: T => U): NonReorderedList[Tag, U] //same tag
   //... other permitted operations should be here        

 object NonReorderedList {

   class NonReorderedListImpl[Tg <: NonReorderedListT#Tag, T] private[NonReorderedList] (l: List[T]) extends NonReorderedList[Tg, T] { 
      def map[U](f: T => U) = new NonReorderedListImpl[Tag, U](
      //... other permitted operations should be here  

   def apply[T](l: List[T]) = {
     val tagC = new NonReorderedListT {} //container
     new NonReorderedListImpl[tagC.Tag, T](l)

Here is the results from Scala REPL:

defined trait NonReorderedListT
defined trait NonReorderedList
defined class NonReorderedListImpl
defined object NonReorderedList

scala>  val l = NonReorderedList(List(1,2,3))
warning: there was one feature warning; re-run with -feature for details
l: NonReorderedListImpl[tagC.Tag,Int] forSome { val tagC: NonReorderedListT } = NonReorderedListImpl@3620eab

scala> val res: NonReorderedList[l.Tag, Int] = + 1)
res: NonReorderedList[l.Tag,Int] = NonReorderedListImpl@34bddf43

scala>  val m = NonReorderedList(List(1,2,3))
warning: there was one feature warning; re-run with -feature for details
m: NonReorderedListImpl[tagC.Tag,Int] forSome { val tagC: NonReorderedListT } = NonReorderedListImpl@2d8c729f

scala> val res: NonReorderedList[l.Tag, Int] = + 1)
<console>:31: error: type mismatch;
 found   : NonReorderedListImpl[m.Tag,Int]
    (which expands to)  NonReorderedListImpl[tagC.Tag,Int]
 required: NonReorderedList[l.Tag,Int]
    (which expands to)  NonReorderedList[tagC.Tag,Int]
       val res: NonReorderedList[l.Tag, Int] = + 1)

However, it shouldn't be so rare situation when you need such collection, so maybe Scalaz already has some implementation, something like NonEmptylist, but NonReorderedList.

I'm doing all this because I have one already ordered collection (1 -> "A", 2 - "B", 3 -> "C", 4 -> "D", 5 -> "E") as an input, which splits into (1 -> "A", 3 -> "C", 4 -> "D") and (2 -> "B", 5 -> "E"), they're processed separately and then merged back (original order should be preserved). Ordering with complex predicate takes some time (as it calls to the external service), so I can't just reorder collection twice with it - second reordering should be based on simple index.

P.S. I'm not looking for less type-safe alternatives as I already have such in my project :). My goal is to improve existing (in my project) code.


Maybe this could be approached by using Nat and HList from shapeless? The idea is to model an element's index explicitly. (I asked a related question Achieving compile safe indexing with Shapeless.) For example,

import shapeless._
import Nat._

case class Entry[+N<:Nat](value: String, index: N)

val send: Entry[ _1] :: Entry[ _3] :: Entry[ _4] :: HNil= Entry("A", _1):: Entry("C", _3) :: Entry("D", _4) :: HNil
val keep= Entry("B", _2) :: Entry("E", _5)  :: HNil

This would provide some type safety (although I'm not sure about the performance implications.)