l randomly generated a graph of 16 nodes. Each nodes take a clor : red,blue or green.
Here is my code :
G= nx.watts_strogatz_graph(16, 2, 0, seed=seed)
color = ['red', 'blue', 'green']
x = G.nodes()
l = len(x)
color_gen = choices(color, k=l)
node_positions = nx.spring_layout(G, scale=100)
nx.draw(G, pos=node_positions, node_color=color_gen, with_labels=True)
such that color_gen
represents the color of each node :
Now l would like to change the intensity of each color given the original color. Hence l defined 3 vectors of different intensities for each RGB color as follow :
and l updated the color of each node as follow :
for v in G.nodes():
if color_gen=='red':
c = choices(pixel_red_color, k=1)
color_gen[v] = c[0] # c[0] in order to return [255,2,115] rathet than [[255,2,115]]
elif color_gen=='green':
c = choices(pixel_green_color, k=1)
color_gen[v] = c[0]
else :
c= choices(blue_pixel_color, k=1)
Then, color_gen
becomes :
olor_gen Out[22]:
[[70, 130, 180],
[135, 206, 250],
[65, 105, 225],
[95, 158, 160],
[0, 0, 139],
[176, 224, 230],
[25, 25, 112],
[0, 0, 205],
[135, 206, 250],
[65, 105, 225],
[0, 0, 139],
[70, 130, 180],
[70, 130, 180],
[70, 130, 180],
[100, 149, 237],
[0, 191, 255]]
What l get when l feed nx.draw() with pixel_values of colors ?
nx.draw(G,pos=node_positions, node_color=color_gen, with_labels=True)
l get the following error :
raise ValueError(msg.format(c.shape, x.size, y.size))
AttributeError: 'list' object has no attribute 'shape'
What l have tried ?
then try again :
nx.draw(G,pos=node_positions, node_color=color_gen, with_labels=True)
l get the following error :
python3.6/site-packages/matplotlib/axes/_axes.py", line 3988, in scatter
raise ValueError(msg.format(c.shape, x.size, y.size))
ValueError: c of shape (16, 3) not acceptable as a color sequence for x with size 16, y with size 16