I am working on building a multiple choice quiz with Flask-WTF and SQLAlchemy that pulls random quotes and possible answers from a database table. I have been able to do just that. However, when the form is submitted and the chosen answers are saved to a new database table, I am seeing that the actual questions (quotes) and answers have been changed. It looks as if a new query is being run upon form submission. Here is a simple example of what I mean.
Actual Question on the Quiz with Options
Who said..."The sky is blue."
- Frank (selected as the answer)
- Harry
- Anne
- Mary
Data Saved to the Database
Question: Who said..."The apple is red."
Chosen Answer: Tom
I'm trying to figure out how to stop the additional query from happening so I can save the data from the questions the user actually sees and answers.
Here is my form:
class Quiz(FlaskForm):
q1 = RadioField('', coerce=str, validators=[DataRequired()], choices=[])
q2 = RadioField('', coerce=str, validators=[DataRequired()], choices=[])
q3 = RadioField('', coerce=str, validators=[DataRequired()], choices=[])
q4 = RadioField('', coerce=str, validators=[DataRequired()], choices=[])
q5 = RadioField('', coerce=str, validators=[DataRequired()], choices=[])
And my view route:
@app.route('/quiz/', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def quiz():
form = Quiz()
for field in form:
if field.type != "RadioField":
pulls = Quotes.query.order_by(func.rand()).limit(1)
for pull in pulls:
answer = pull.speaker
option_two = pull.option_two
option_three = pull.option_three
option_four = pull.option_four
question = pull.line_text
field.label = pull.line_text
field.choices = [("1", answer), ("2", option_two), ("3", option_three), ("4", option_four)]
if form.validate_on_submit():
for field in form:
if field.type == "CSRFTokenField":
user_answer = field.data
question_id = field.id
question_line = field.label
correct_answer = answer
submission = Responses(question_id, question_line, user_answer, correct_answer)
return redirect(url_for('you_passed'))
return render_template('quiz.html', form=form)
Any help would be appreciated. I'm also open to any suggestions about my current code. I'm new to Python and haven't reached the point of elegance in my coding. Thanks.