
Direct access to full string representation of obj

2019-08-08 12:08发布


I am trying to log the contents of an object to a text file. If I do a debug.print of the object itself in the immediate window, it prints all of the values of the object's properties:

    AnsiNullDefault: False
    UserData: Nothing

However, I can't seem to access this as a string in code due to a type mismatch. I assumed I could get this information using the .ToString method, but all that returns is the object description with none of the properties or values:


What am I missing?


.ToString is a function on the base object (see http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.object.tostring.aspx). Debug.Write is a function that can iterate though the properties writing the values.

As Stu said you can do this yourself using Reflection.

You could also add/change the trace listeners to write out the information else where.


Debug.Print enumerates all properties for you. Is that what you are looking for? If so, you will have to examine all properties through reflection.

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