I am placing checkboxes (TCheckBox
) in a string grid (TStringGrid
) in the first column. The checkboxes show fine, positioned correctly, and respond to mouse by glowing when hovering over them. When I click them, however, they do not toggle. They react to the click, and highlight, but finally, the actual Checked
property does not change. What makes it more puzzling is I don't have any code changing these values once they're there, nor do I even have an OnClick
event assigned to these checkboxes. Also, I'm defaulting these checkboxes to be unchecked, but when displayed, they are checked.
The checkboxes are created along with each record which is added to the list, and is referenced inside a record pointer which is assigned to the object in the cell where the checkbox is to be placed.
String grid hack for cell highlighting:
THackStringGrid = class(TStringGrid); //used later...
Record containing checkbox:
PImageLink = ^TImageLink;
TImageLink = record
...other stuff...
Checkbox: TCheckbox;
ShowCheckbox: Bool;
Creation/Destruction of checkbox:
function NewImageLink(const AFilename: String): PImageLink;
Result:= New(PImageLink);
...other stuff...
Result.Checkbox:= TCheckbox.Create(nil);
Result.Checkbox.Caption:= '';
procedure DestroyImageLink(AImageLink: PImageLink);
Adding rows to grid:
//...after clearing grid...
//L = TStringList of original filenames
if L.Count > 0 then
lstFiles.RowCount:= L.Count + 1
lstFiles.RowCount:= 2; //in case there are no records
for X := 0 to L.Count - 1 do begin
S:= L[X];
Link:= NewImageLink(S); //also creates checkbox
Link.Checkbox.Parent:= lstFiles;
Link.Checkbox.Visible:= Link.ShowCheckbox;
Link.Checkbox.Checked:= False;
lstFiles.Objects[0,X+1]:= Pointer(Link);
lstFiles.Cells[1, X+1]:= S;
Grid's OnDrawCell Event Handler:
procedure TfrmMain.lstFilesDrawCell(Sender: TObject; ACol, ARow: Integer;
Rect: TRect; State: TGridDrawState);
Link: PImageLink;
CR: TRect;
if (ARow > 0) and (ACol = 0) then begin
Link:= PImageLink(lstFiles.Objects[0,ARow]); //Get record pointer
CR:= lstFiles.CellRect(0, ARow); //Get cell rect
Link.Checkbox.Width:= Link.Checkbox.Height;
Link.Checkbox.Left:= CR.Left + (CR.Width div 2) - (Link.Checkbox.Width div 2);
Link.Checkbox.Top:= CR.Top;
if not Link.Checkbox.Visible then begin
lstFiles.Canvas.Brush.Color:= lstFiles.Color;
lstFiles.Canvas.Brush.Style:= bsSolid;
lstFiles.Canvas.Pen.Style:= psClear;
if lstFiles.Row = ARow then
THackStringGrid(lstFiles).DrawCellHighlight(CR, State, ACol, ARow);
Here's how it looks when clicking...
What could be causing this? It's definitely not changing the Checked
property anywhere in my code. There's some strange behavior coming from the checkboxes themselves when placed in a grid.
I did a brief test, I placed a regular TCheckBox
on the form. Check/unchecks fine. Then, in my form's OnShow
event, I changed the Checkbox's Parent
to this grid. This time, I get the same behavior, not toggling when clicked. Therefore, it seems that a TCheckBox
doesn't react properly when it has another control as its parent. How to overcome this?