In a nutshell: How can I join two datatables on fields that VS only knows at runtime and I know all the time? Is there a solution like
Dim result = From t1 In dt, t2 In dt2 _
Where t1.Field < DateTime > ("timestamp") = t2.Field < DateTime > ("samplestamp")
Select t1, t2
The names of these tables are only known at runtime since both the tables are created dynamically.
Long version:
In Corner A, I have a Historian server where I get some data. This data represents all samples created in a given time for a given proces(ses)
In Corner B i have an SQL server where i also get some data. This data represents all the batches that have run in the given time.
The project needs this 2 tables to be shown in a chart control.
Now for the fun part. Only at runtime am I able to tell wich columns will be available. I don't know how many columns i will receive because i can't tell if 1 batch ran or 100 did. What i do know is that I can receive all this "data" (which i only see at runtime) can be placed into 2 datatables ( because it's an OLD project)
I "Know" for instance that for datatable 1 (corner A) always exists in a table where the first column is named timestamp. (it's also the only column i know here)
And i also know that the first column in datatable2 (corner B) is named sampletime
So here comes the countdown: How am I able to connect these two datatables on the given names into one flashy datatable which I then use as a datasource for my chart control. Hence the problem is solved.
I have tried to accomplish this and create a single sql table in SQL-server, prolem here is that i work with a server that doesn't like transactions so that didn't work out.