Example data in three files.
YYY >>
yyy one
yyy two
yyy three
ZZZ >>
zzz one
zzz two
zzz three
XXX >>
xxx one
xxx two
xxx three
XXX >>
xxx one
xxx two
xxx three
ZZZ >>
zzz one
zzz two
zzz three
I am using awk to output portions of the file between start delimiter (XXX) and end delimiter (<<). This works:
awk '/XXX/,/<</' /d/Temp/temp/*.txt
XXX >>
xxx one
xxx two
xxx three
XXX >>
xxx one
xxx two
xxx three
But I want to output the file names too. Find sort of works, but it ends out printing all the file names.
find /d/Temp/temp/ -type f -name "*.txt" -print -exec awk '/XXX/,/<</' {} \;
XXX >>
xxx one
xxx two
xxx three
XXX >>
xxx one
xxx two
xxx three
How can I modify this command to only output the matched file names?
Using awk
awk '/XXX/,/<</{print a[FILENAME]?$0:FILENAME RS $0;a[FILENAME]++}' *.txt
/XXX/,/<</ # output portions of the file between start delimiter (XXX) and end delimiter (<<).
a[FILENAME]? # assign filename as key to array `a`, determine whether it is the true (>0) or fails (0 or null)
a[FILENAME]?$0:FILENAME RS $0 # if true, print the line only, if fail, print filename and the current line
a[FILENAME]++ # increase the value of array a[FILENAME]
I'm sure someone will come up with a clever solution with find
and exec
or xargs
, but this can be pretty simply done using just bash
and awk
> for file in /d/Temp/temp/*.txt; do res=$(awk '/XXX/,/<</' "$file"); [[ $res != "" ]] && echo "$file" && echo "$res"; done
XXX >>
xxx one
xxx two
xxx three
XXX >>
xxx one
xxx two
xxx three
Or split into a more reasonable looking shell script
for file in "/d/Temp/temp/"*.txt; do
res=$(awk '/XXX/,/<</' "$file")
[[ $res != "" ]] && echo "$file" && echo "$res"
If you want it to be recursive and are using bash 4+, you can replace the starting for loop with
> shopt -s globstar; for file in /d/Temp/temp/**/*.txt; do
If you are using an older version of bash, you can replace it with a find
> find /d/Temp/temp/ -type f -name "*.txt" -print0 | while read -r -d '' file; do