I'm trying to develop a data structure for a mesh using the MATLAB OOP functionalities. Long story short, I'm modifying a field from an instance that inherits from the same base class as another instance, and both instances are being modified, as if the field was declared static!
I have this code inside an abstract base class (m_element) in MATLAB:
properties(Access = protected)
nodes = containers.Map('KeyType','int64', 'ValueType', 'any');
faces = containers.Map('KeyType','int64', 'ValueType', 'any');
These field represent the connectivity of each element. For example, which nodes are neighbors of the n'th node, or which faces are adjacent to the n'th node.
I also have two other classes: m_face and m_node, each one inheriting from m_element. m_node is very simple:
classdef m_node < m_element
x = 0;
y = 0;
z = 0;
function node = m_node(gmsh_id, x, y, z)
node = node@m_element(gmsh_id);
node.x = x;
node.y = y;
node.z = z;
But when it comes to m_face, I'm facing an issue. Here's the constructor, where the problem is arising:
function face = m_face(varargin)
face = face@m_element(varargin{1});
for k = 2:nargin
nod = varargin{k};
if(~isa(nod, 'm_node'))
error('Algum dos argumentos não é um node!');
elseif (~isvalid(nod))
error('Algum dos argumentos não é válido!');
face.nodes(nod.gmsh_id) = nod;
nod.faces(face.gmsh_id) = face;
The m_face constructor expects the face ID to come as the first argument, and the rest should be the nodes that forms the face. The line face.nodes(nod.gmsh_id) = nod;
seems to be causing my problem. I have a m_mesh class which shall hold every node and face:
classdef m_mesh < handle
properties(SetAccess = private)
nodes = containers.Map('KeyType','int64', 'ValueType', 'any');
faces = containers.Map('KeyType','int64', 'ValueType', 'any');
function theMesh = m_mesh(msh)
for idx = 1:numel(msh.POS(:,1))
n = msh.POS(idx,:);
theMesh.nodes(idx) = m_node(idx, n(1), n(2), n(3));
for idx = 1:numel(msh.TRIANGLES(:,1))
ele = msh.TRIANGLES(idx,:);
nod(1) = theMesh.nodes(ele(1));
nod(2) = theMesh.nodes(ele(2));
nod(3) = theMesh.nodes(ele(3));
theMesh.faces(idx) = m_face(idx, nod(1), nod(2), nod(3));
The msh
argument to the constructor holds the nodes spatial positions, and also the nodes that composes each face (which in this case are triangles).
Here's what I get when I build the mesh:
>> mesh = m_mesh(m)
mesh =
m_mesh with properties:
nodes: [5x1 containers.Map]
edges: [0x1 containers.Map]
faces: [4x1 containers.Map]
>> nod = mesh.nodes.values();
>> nod{1}.i_nodes
ans =
[1x1 m_node] [1x1 m_node] [1x1 m_node] [1x1 m_node] [1x1 m_node]
The i_nodes returns the instance map values. Now, how's that possible? Why does my first (and all the others!) node have FIVE adjacent nodes, if I haven't set this yet? Why should MATLAB change an non-static field for all instances and all subclasses when I access this field from a random instance?