Logstash-filter-rest sent field references incorre

2019-08-08 01:37发布


I recently use logstash-filter-rest, and configure it like below:

rest {
    url => "http://example.com/api"
    sprintf => true
    method => "post"
    params => {
      "post_key" => "%{a_field_in_log}"
    response_key => "my_key"

after this, logstash make a post request to my api, but something is wrong, the value of a_field_in_log is identical in every request ( I check api access log, all of the value is the first field value sent to api ) it seems like there have caches for referenced field.

Does someone had encountered same problem, would thank you for your help!


As it happens, I'm the author of logstash-filter-rest and I'm glad to hear that someone is actually using it.

I was able to reproduce your issue. It was a bug and (good news) I fixed it. Thank you for reporting!

You can update now to the new version 0.1.5.

../logstash/bin/plugin update logstash-filter-rest

Test config:

input { stdin {} }
filter {
        grok { match => [ "message",  "Hello %{WORD:who}" ] }
        rest {
                url => "http://requestb.in/1f7s1sg1?test=%{who}"
                method => "post"
                sprintf => true
                params => {
                        "hello" => "%{who}"
output { stdout{ codec => "rubydebug" } }

Test data:

Hello John
Hello Doe
Hello foo
Hello bar


http://requestb.in/1f7s1sg1?inspect (looks good)

Many thanks for contributing! I hope everything works as expected now.