How to setup a per request global variable for NLo

2019-08-08 01:02发布


I'm working on setting up NLogs in the most useful way possible for our web applications

My thought process is as follows

  • A new request is initiated
  • A new guid is generated
  • Log webapi events w/the guid
  • Log service layer events w/the guid
  • A new guid is generated for the next request

This way it will be easy to trace the full series of events from request start to finish

There are also scenarios where I'm running service methods in parallel, if threads affect this solution

I've tried setting up the following, but ${activityid} doesn't seem to be carrying over to the output


Add the value to your httpContext and read it with NLog.


HttpContext.Current.Items["myvariable"] = 123;

In your NLog.config

${aspnet-item:variable=myvariable} - produces "123"

More examples in the docs

You need NLog.web or NLog.web.aspnetcore for this! Install instructions


Ultimatley this is what I ended up doing

I setup a new class to make request data easily available anywhere in the system

public static class HttpContextRequestData
    public static string RequestGuid
            if (HttpContext.Current.Items["RequestGuid"] == null)
                return string.Empty;
                return HttpContext.Current.Items["RequestGuid"] as string;
            HttpContext.Current.Items["RequestGuid"] = value;

    public static DateTime RequestInitiated
            if (HttpContext.Current.Items["RequestInitiated"] == null)
                return DateTime.Now;
                return Convert.ToDateTime(HttpContext.Current.Items["RequestInitiated"]);
            HttpContext.Current.Items["RequestInitiated"] = value;

Then I setup the global.asax to set a Guid for each request. I also added some basic rules to log the request length, fatally if longer than 1 minute

    protected void Application_BeginRequest(object sender, EventArgs e)
        HttpContextRequestData.RequestGuid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
        HttpContextRequestData.RequestInitiated = DateTime.Now;

    void Application_EndRequest(object sender, EventArgs e)
        var requestAge = DateTime.Now.Subtract(HttpContextRequestData.RequestInitiated);

        if (requestAge.TotalSeconds <= 20)
            logger.Info("Application_End, took {0} seconds", requestAge.TotalSeconds);
        else if (requestAge.TotalSeconds <= 60)
            logger.Warn("Application_End, took {0} seconds", requestAge.TotalSeconds);
            logger.Fatal("Application_End, took {0} seconds", requestAge.TotalSeconds);

Then to make things easier yet, I setup a custom NLog LayoutRender so that the RequestGuid is automatically added to logging events without having to remember to include it

public class RequestGuidLayoutRenderer : LayoutRenderer
    protected override void Append(StringBuilder builder, LogEventInfo logEvent)

Registered the RequestGuidLayoutRenderer in the NLog.config

    <add assembly="InsertYourAssemblyNameHere"/>

And finally added to my target configuration

<target name="AllLogs" xsi:type="File" maxArchiveFiles="30" fileName="${logDirectory}/AllLogs.log" layout="${longdate}|${RequestGuid}|${level:uppercase=true}|${message}|${exception:format=tostring}"