I'm trying to set up a complex association where the User model is used two times. Once to create the leader of a discussion and then to create the participants for the discussion.
First, do I have the associations correct in order to call multiple participants (users) for a discussion led by one user (leader)?
has_many :discussions, foreign_key: :leader_id
belongs_to :received_discussions, class_name: 'Discussion'
attr_accessible :participant_id
belongs_to :leader, class_name: 'User'
has_many :participants, class_name: 'User', foreign_key: :participant_id
And second, how would I build the action to assign multiple users as participants?
= simple_form_for @discussion, html: { multipart: true } do |f|
= f.input :participant_ids, label: 'Send to: (select from members you follow)', as: :select, collection: participants_for_discussion, input_html: { class: 'followed-ids-select', multiple: true }
= f.input :title
= f.input :description
= f.submit 'Send', name: 'send_now', class: 'btn btn-primary btn-large pull-right mleft10'
= f.submit 'Save and View Draft', name: 'save_draft', class: 'btn btn-large pull-right'
def create
#not sure how to assign the participants in the action
@discussion = current_user.discussions.build(params[:discussion])
if @discussion.save
redirect_to @discussion, notice: draft_or_sent_notice
render :new
The error I'm getting is Can't mass-assign protected attributes: participant_ids