From SQL server I imported and created a hive table using the below query.
sqoop import --connect 'jdbc:sqlserver://;database=testdb' --username uname --password paswd --table demotable --hive-import --hive-table hivedb.demotable --create-hive-table --fields-terminated-by ','
Command was successful, imported the data and created a table with 10000 records.
I inserted 10 new records in SQL server and tried to append these 10 records into existing hive table using --where clause
sqoop import --connect 'jdbc:sqlserver://;database=testdb' --username uname --password paswd --table demotable --where "ID > 10000" --hive-import -hive-table hivedb.demotable
But the sqoop job is getting failed with error
ERROR tool.ImportTool: Error during import: Import job failed!
Where am I going wrong? any other alternatives to insert into table using sqoop.
After slightly changing the above command I am able to append the new rows.
sqoop import --connect 'jdbc:sqlserver://;database=testdb' --username uname --password paswd --table demotable --where "ID > 10000" --hive-import -hive-table hivedb.demotable --fields-terminated-by ',' -m 1
Though it resolves the mentioned problem, I can't insert the modified rows. Is there any way to insert the modified rows without using
--incremental lastmodified parameter.
in order to append rows to hive table, use the same query you have been using before, just remove the --hive-overwrite.
I will share the 2 queries that I used to import in hive, one for overwriting and one for append, you can use the same for importing:
To OVERWRITE the previous records
sqoop import -Dmapreduce.job.queuename=default --connect jdbc:teradata://database_connection_string/DATABASE=database_name,TMODE=ANSI,LOGMECH=LDAP --username z****** --password ******* --query "select * from ****** where \$CONDITIONS" --split-by "HASHBUCKET(HASHROW(key to split)) MOD 4" --num-mappers 4 --hive-table hive_table_name --boundary-query "select 0, 3 from dbc.dbcinfo" --target-dir directory_name --delete-target-dir --hive-import --hive-overwrite --driver com.teradata.jdbc.TeraDriver
TO APPEND to the previous records
sqoop import -Dmapreduce.job.queuename=default --connect jdbc:teradata://connection_string/DATABASE=db_name,TMODE=ANSI,LOGMECH=LDAP --username ****** --password ******--query "select * from **** where \$CONDITIONS" --split-by "HASHBUCKET(HASHROW(key to split)) MOD 4" --num-mappers 4 --hive-import --hive-table guestblock.prodrptgstrgtn --boundary-query "select 0, 3 from dbc.dbcinfo" --target-dir directory_name --delete-target-dir --driver com.teradata.jdbc.TeraDriver
Note that I am using 4 mappers, you can use more as well.
I am not sure if you can give direct --append option in sqoop with --hive-import option. Its still not available atleast in version 1.4.
The default behavior is append when --hive-overwrite and --create-hive-table is missing. (atleast in this context.
I go with nakulchawla09's answer. Though remind yourself to keep the --split-by option . This will ensure the split names in hive data store is appropriately created. otherwise you will not like the default naming. You can ignore this comment in case you don't care for the backstage hive warehouse naming and backstage data store. When i tried with the below command
Before the append
beeline:hive2> select count(*) from geolocation;
| _c0 |
| 8000 |
file in hive warehouse before the append
-rwxrwxrwx 1 root hdfs 479218 2018-10-12 11:03 /apps/hive/warehouse/geolocation/part-m-00000
sqoop command for appending additional 8k records again
sqoop import --connect jdbc:mysql://localhost/RAWDATA --table geolocation --username root --password hadoop --target-dir /rawdata --hive-import --driver com.mysql.jdbc.Driver --m 1 --delete-target-dir
it created the below files. You can see the file name is not great because did not give a split by option or split hash (can be datetime or date).
-rwxrwxrwx 1 root hdfs 479218 2018-10-12 11:03 /apps/hive/warehouse/geolocation/part-m-00000
-rwxrwxrwx 1 root hdfs 479218 2018-10-12 11:10 /apps/hive/warehouse/geolocation/part-m-00000_copy_1
hive records appended now
beeline:hive2> select count(*) from geolocation;
| _c0 |
| 16000 |
We can use this command:
sqoop import --connect 'jdbc:sqlserver://;database=testdb' --username uname --password paswd --query 'select * from demotable where ID > 10000' --hive-import --hive-table hivedb.demotable --target-dir demotable_data
Use --append
option and -m 1
so it will be like below :
sqoop import --connect 'jdbc:sqlserver://;database=testdb' --username uname --password paswd --table demotable --hive-import --hive-table hivedb.demotable --append -m 1