Live Connect authentication status always “Unknown

2019-08-07 16:46发布


I'm facing some problem when authenticating in my WP8 app via Live SDK.

I have added a SignInButton to my app:

<live:SignInButton x:Name="btnSignIn" 
    Scopes="wl.skydrive wl.skydrive_update wl.signin wl.offline_access"
    TextType="Login" />

In the code-behind I have the following:

private async void btnSignIn_SessionChanged(object sender, Microsoft.Live.Controls.LiveConnectSessionChangedEventArgs e)
    App.LiveSession = e.Session;
    if (e.Status == Microsoft.Live.LiveConnectSessionStatus.Connected)
        App.LiveClient = new Microsoft.Live.LiveConnectClient(e.Session);                               

When I tap the SignIn button, I show the screen where I enter my credentials, and give permissions to the app. Everything fine until there.

The problem is that after that, btnSignIn_SessionChanged is fired, as expectyed, but I always get Unknown in e.Stautus property.

If I tap the SignIn button again, I'm not asked for credentials, but yes for permission. After accepting, e.Status keeps returning Unknown, when it should be Connected.

In I have my app configured as mobile client. The app used to work in the past, and I'm not able to guess where can be the problem.

Any clue?


This problem can also occur if you are using a proxy server. Using "Automaticaly detect settings" in LAN settings fixed this issue for me.