How can I handle a Validation.Error in my ViewMode

2019-01-15 02:10发布


I'm trying to get WPF validation to work within the MVVM pattern.

In my View, I can validate a TextBox like this which gets handled by the code-behind method "HandleError", which works fine:

<TextBox Width="200"
        <Binding Path="FirstName"

However, I would like to handle the validation in my ViewModel via a DelegateCommand but when I try it with the following code, I get the explicit error "'{Binding HandleErrorCommand}' is not a valid event handler method name. Only instance methods on the generated or code-behind class are valid."

Are there any workaround for this so that we can handle validations within a MVVM pattern?


<TextBox Width="200"
         Validation.Error="{Binding HandleErrorCommand}">
        <Binding Path="FirstName"


#region DelegateCommand: HandleError
private DelegateCommand handleErrorCommand;

public ICommand HandleErrorCommand
        if (handleErrorCommand == null)
            handleErrorCommand = new DelegateCommand(HandleError, CanHandleError);
        return handleErrorCommand;

private void HandleError()
    MessageBox.Show("in view model");

private bool CanHandleError()
    return true;


I don't know if this will help you, but I'll offer it all the same.

Also, I'm using Silverlight, not WPF.

I don't specify any validation in my Views, neither in the code behind nor the xaml. My View has only data bindings to properties on the ViewModel.

All my error checking/validation is handled by the ViewModel. When I encounter an error, I set a ErrorMessage property, which is bound to the view as well. The ErrorMessage textblock (in the view) has a value converter which hides it if the error is null or empty.

Doing things this way makes it easy to unit test input validation.


Here's a way to do this using Expression Blend 3 behaviors. I wrote a ValidationErrorEventTrigger because the built-in EventTrigger doesn't work with attached events.


        <MVVMBehaviors:ExecuteCommandAction TargetCommand="HandleErrorCommand" />
    <Binding Path="FirstName"
            <ExceptionValidationRule />

ViewModel: (could be unchanged, but here's a look at how I dug into the validation arguments to find the error message when using the exception validation rule)

    public ICommand HandleErrorCommand
            if (_handleErrorCommand == null)
                _handleErrorCommand = new RelayCommand<object>(param => OnDisplayError(param));
            return _handleErrorCommand;

    private void OnDisplayError(object param)
        string message = "Error!";
        var errorArgs = param as ValidationErrorEventArgs;
        if (errorArgs != null)
            var exception = errorArgs.Error.Exception;
            while (exception != null)
                message = exception.Message;
                exception = exception.InnerException;
        Status = message;


public class ValidationErrorEventTrigger : EventTriggerBase<DependencyObject>
    protected override void OnAttached()
        Behavior behavior = base.AssociatedObject as Behavior;
        FrameworkElement associatedElement = base.AssociatedObject as FrameworkElement;

        if (behavior != null)
            associatedElement = ((IAttachedObject)behavior).AssociatedObject as FrameworkElement;
        if (associatedElement == null)
            throw new ArgumentException("Validation Error Event trigger can only be associated to framework elements");
        associatedElement.AddHandler(Validation.ErrorEvent, new RoutedEventHandler(this.OnValidationError));
    void OnValidationError(object sender, RoutedEventArgs args)
    protected override string GetEventName()
        return Validation.ErrorEvent.Name;