I have a set of text that I'd like to put in a RichTextBox which goes like so:
So I used a RichTextBox since it allows me to do the following.
var zipCodeParagraph = new Paragraph();
string zipCodes = String.Empty;
var dateRun = new Underline(new Run(DateTime.Today.DayOfWeek + ", " + CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.DateTimeFormat.GetMonthName(DateTime.Today.Month) + ' ' + DateTime.Today.Day));
Underline dateSuperscript;
switch (DateTime.Today.Day % 10)
case 1:
dateSuperscript = new Underline(new Run("st"));
case 2:
dateSuperscript = new Underline(new Run("nd"));
case 3:
dateSuperscript = new Underline(new Run("rd"));
dateSuperscript = new Underline(new Run("th"));
dateSuperscript.BaselineAlignment = BaselineAlignment.Superscript;
if (ZipCodes.Any())
zipCodeParagraph.Inlines.Add(new Run("The following zip codes are facing a "));
zipCodeParagraph.Inlines.Add(new Underline(new Run("Severe Weather Threat")));
zipCodeParagraph.Inlines.Add(new Run(" on "));
zipCodes = String.Join(", ", ZipCodes.ToArray());
The outcome however is like so:
The problem is that when changing the baseline of a text to be superscript/subscript then the underline changes to that height as well. I'd like the underline to stay where it is and for the super-scripting to happen as well.
I have found only one close solution which does not do it programmatically here.