I have a MvxViewController and in the ViewDidLoad i bind the button click to the viewmodel. When the button is clicked I open another view in which I will need to return a string back to my first view
public override void ViewDidLoad ()
var set = this.CreateBindingSet<MyView1, MyView1ViewModel>();
set.Bind(myButton).To(vm => vm.MyButtonCommand);
public ICommand MyButtonCommand
_myButtonCommand = _myButtonCommand ?? new MvxCommand(MyButtonCommandClick);
return _myButtonCommand;
private void MyButtonCommandClick()
After some logic is ran in my second view I want to return the string
private void SomeMethodInViewModelNumber2()
//Raise event that will get pickup up in MyView
//Or somehow get "SomeString"
if (OnMyResult != null)
OnMyResult ("SomeString");
The problem is that I don't want to send the string back using the messenger. I have my reasons but basically because ViewModelNumber2 can be opened from many different places and works slightly different and managing the different messages that would need to be sent back and where to subscribe to these messages would be a mess
Is there any way that I can do something like the below?
public override void ViewDidLoad ()
var set = this.CreateBindingSet<MyView1, MyView1ViewModel>();
set.Bind(myButton).To(vm => vm.MyButtonCommand).OnMyResult((myString) => {Process(myString)});
Or perhaps when I create ViewModelNumber2 I should pass a callBack into the constructor and use that to send the string back from ViewModelNumber2 to MyView1ViewModel
What is the best way to do this?