Here is some XML
<flowTypologies type="flowTypologies">
<flowTypology type="flowTypology">
<label type="string">Typology0</label>
<value type="string">CAP</value>
<flowTypology type="flowTypology">
<label type="string">Typology1</label>
<value type="string"/>
<flowTypology type="flowTypology">
<label type="string">Typology2</label>
<value type="string"/>
<flowTypology type="flowTypology">
<label type="string">Typology3</label>
<value type="string"/>
<flowTypology type="flowTypology">
<label type="string">Typology4</label>
<value type="string">INT</value>
<flowTypology type="flowTypology">
<label type="string">GlobalCashflowTypology</label>
<value type="string"/>
Here is a stylesheet snippet to transform it.
exclude-result-prefixes="xs" version="1.0">
<xsl:strip-space elements="*"/>
<xsl:template match="flowTypologies[. = 'Typology0CAPTypology1Typology2Typology3Typology4INTGlobalCashFlowTypology']">
<xsl:text>I should get here</xsl:text>
So the hope was that to template match on the the text value of the top level node. The string in the template predicate should be the concatenation of the text in all the subordinate nodes under flowTypologies.
However it does not match.
This is an XSLT 1.0 stylesheet I have tried transforming it with Saxon 6.5 and Xalan.
I have done a value-of on flowTypologies and it does yield the value being tested for in the predicate, but rule never fires.