I have setup scaling of GUI to occupy whole screen (window). Control widgets are fine, but scaling of fonts is terrible - there are artifacts from neighbouring glyphs (because of some rounding errors I suppose).
You can quite clearly see it on a right side of T:
I tried setting various values in padding area in Hiero, but all those values affect how font is rendered - they add space between characters in rendering, not just to a texture as I wanted.
Any idea how to fix this artifacts? I don't want dynamic font generation or multiple fonts, I want ordinary nearest-neighbour scaling (I'm going for a pixely look). I'm assuming this is a bug in libGDX 1.2.0.
After some fiddling around I figured what needs to be hacked in order to get it working.
The gist: shrink all glyphs to not overlap.
My solution in scala:
def fixFonts(fontsMap: ObjectMap[String, BitmapFont]) {
def fixFont(font: BitmapFont) {
for {
glyphPage <- font.getData.glyphs.toSeq.filter(_ != null)
glyph <- glyphPage.toSeq.filter(_ != null)
} {
glyph.u2 -= 0.001f
fontsMap.iterator().asInstanceOf[java.util.Iterator[Entry[String, BitmapFont]]].
asScala.foreach { e => fixFont(e.value)}
def load() {
skin = manager.get(SKIN_FILE)
EDIT(6. 4. 2015): Updated code to work in Scala 2.11.4
and LibGDX 1.5.3
I adjusted monnef's solution above for java use like this:
public static void fixFont(BitmapFont font) {
for (Glyph[] page : font.getData().glyphs) {
if (page == null) {
for (Glyph glyph : page) {
if (glyph == null) {
glyph.u2 -= 0.001f;
glyph.v2 -= 0.001f;
Note that additionally glyph.v2 is adjusted too, without this I still got artifacts.
Note: This is a workaround and should probably be fixed by editing the font.