Just starting to use the Forms Service in Google Apps Script. Need to direct the form to take the user to a specific page depending on the answer that is given. Here's my current code
.setTitle('What would you like to do?')
.setChoiceValues(['Request a new reservation.','Change the date or number of tickets for an existing reservation.'])
Now, I've found this section in the documentation: Enum PageNavicationType
But they don't example the use of Go_To_Page. Also the creation of the ChoiceValues is wonky to me.
Anyone out there worked this out?
Instead of .setChoiceValues you want to use .setChoices([arrayOfChoices]), and use the .createChoice(value, page) to create the choice.
Edit: Updated code to fix errors
function createAMCQuestion(){
var af = FormApp.getActiveForm();
var pRed = af.getItemById("1300443051").asPageBreakItem(); //use findPageIds to get the page id of a pre-created page
var pGreen = af.getItemById("902629766").asPageBreakItem();
var item = af.addMultipleChoiceItem().setTitle('Pic a color?'); // creates the Multiple Choice Question
af.moveItem(item.getIndex(), 1); // Makes the question show up as the second question in the form (starts at 0)
//create choices as an array
var choices = [];
choices.push(item.createChoice('Red', pRed));
choices.push(item.createChoice('Green', pGreen));
// assignes the choices for the question
function findPageIds(){
var af = FormApp.getActiveForm();
var pages = af.getItems(FormApp.ItemType.PAGE_BREAK);
for (i in pages){
var pName = pages[i].getTitle();
var pId = pages[i].getId();