I have custom data stored on elements using jQuery.data() method.
<div id="mydiv" data-test='{"1":"apple", "2":"banana"}'>Custom data</div>
I know I can access individual keys of the object stored in data-test
But is it ok to re-assign individual keys like this ? It works but it isn't documented. Secondly, on inspecting the element using browser's developer tools, I still see the old value i.e. "apple" in this case. JSFiddle
$('#mydiv').data('test')["1"] = "pear"
Update - Found more related Q&A (not really duplicate because my primary question was about assigning individual keys of the object)
- Unable to set data attribute using jQuery Data() API
- Why don't changes to jQuery $.fn.data() update the corresponding html 5 data-* attributes?
- Can't update data-attribute value : Good discussion in comments of answers