I am using Enterprise certificate to distribute on air using dropbox following this link: http://aaronparecki.com/articles/2011/01/21/1/how-to-distribute-your-ios-apps-over-the-air
While creating plist I used a dummy application URL and title i.e. https.....ipa, AppName resp.
Both ipa and plist Uploaded on dropbox
- Used shared link of plist from dropbox and mention on HTML document
- I used HTML webpage/document shared link (replacing www.dropbox.com by dl.dropboxusercontent.com).
But unable to download app.
While downloading I am getting the error: Unable to download app. "AppName" can not be downloaded at this time.
Console message:
BG Application: Not Present, BG Daemon: Present. Daemons: networkd apsd itunesstored
<Error>: FAILURE: Failed to open property list at file:///private/var/db/launchd.db/com.apple.launchd/overrides.plist for reading. (The operation couldn’t be completed. No such file or directory)
<Notice>: WiFi:[428491987.594512]: Client itunesstored set type to normal application
Can anyone please help?