I have an application in C# which reserves too much memory when it wasn't supposed to. The executable is ~100Kb and the whole application is a couple thousands lines of code.
It's main component, has a timer which is responsible of creating events (instances of a class with a couple of attributes) and sending them to this http://timeline.codeplex.com/. The way the timeline accepts events, is by calling a ResetEvents function and passing a list of events. Because I have a timer, I put that inside the timer's code.
Running it like this, the application goes up to 300Mb of memory and I just end it to avoid crashing. If I remove the call of ResetEvents from the timer, then the application runs more smoothly consuming 60-70Mb. The application without the timeline, should run at 10-20Mb. There are no graphics or anything that could possibly use more than that. My guess is that something might be wrong with the timeline.
Here's a part of the code:
List<TimelineEvent> events = new List<TimelineEvent>();
inside timer
TimelineLibrary.TimelineEvent newevent = new TimelineLibrary.TimelineEvent();
newevent.StartDate = starttime;
newevent.EndDate = endtime;
newevent.Id = id;
newevent.Title = title;
newevent.Description = description;
newevent.Link = url;
newevent.EventColor = color;
This code is inside the timer. I just create a TimelineEvent, add it to a list and call ResetEvents. Removing that last line, doesn't cause the memory problem.