I'm looking for a way to do the following in Ruby in a cleaner way:
class Array
def find_index_with_offset(offset, &block)
[offset..-1].find &block
offset = array.find_index {|element| element.meets_some_criterion?}
the_object_I_want =
array.find_index_with_offset(offset+1) {|element| element.meets_another_criterion?}
So I'm searching a Ruby array for the index of some object and then I do a follow-up search to find the first object that matches some other criterion and has a higher index in the array. Is there a better way to do this?
What do I mean by cleaner: something that doesn't involve explicitly slicing the array. When you do this a couple of times, calculating the slicing indices gets messy fast. I'd like to keep operating on the original array. It's easier to understand and less error-prone.
NB. In my actual code I haven't monkey-patched Array, but I want to draw attention to the fact that I expect I'm duplicating existing functionality of Array/Enumerable
- Fixed location of
offset + 1
as per Mladen Jablanović's comment; rewrite error - Added explanation of 'cleaner' as per Mladen Jablanović's comment