I want to access a variable present in a service from another service/an activity....
Can anyone give an idea?
I want to access a variable present in a service from another service/an activity....
Can anyone give an idea?
To communicate between two service or activity, you need to use AIDL
It is not really difficult to do, and there is a lot of tutorial like this.
You can make a public
for that variable in your Service
class, bind to that service, and access the getter to give you that variable.
If what you mean is that you want to access the variable after you close and open the app, then you're probably looking for SharedPreferences. Note that this requires a context (an activity or service).
To store:
int data = 5;
SharedPreferences storage = getSharedPreferences("storage", Context.MODE_PRIVATE);
SharedPreferences.Editor editor = storage.edit();
editor.putInt("myInt", data);
To get:
SharedPreferences storage = getSharedPreferences("storage", Context.MODE_PRIVATE);
int data = storage.getInt("myInt", 0);