I am using DocuSign Connect/DocuSign Event Notifications to update DocuSign envelope/recipient statuses. I have written a .net application that parses an XML posted by Connect/Event notifications to update the statuses. Since each of my client's DocuSign account lies in a different time zone, I retrieve time zone of each of my client's DocuSign account from Connect update and my .net application adds offset based upon the time zone to update the statuses.
I need to know all possible values of DocuSign account time zone that I can retrieve from XML posted by Connect/Event notifications as the time zone values in DocuSign account are different than the time zone values that I get from Connect updates.
For example, if the time zone set in the DocuSign account is "Pacific Time(US & Canada)",the time zone that I get from Connect/Event notifications is "Pacific Standard Time".
Is there is a list of all possible values of Time zone that DocuSign Connect process posts?