I am using rails3 and gem devise and i have two roles admin and customer and i want after user
sign out admin should redirect to different path and customer should redirect to different path
when sign out..
I am using rails3 and gem devise and i have two roles admin and customer and i want after user
sign out admin should redirect to different path and customer should redirect to different path
when sign out..
You can get your desired functionality by using devise method after sign_out path.
but before you define these methods in application helper.
def is_admin?(user)
admin_role = Role.find(:first, :conditions => ["name = ?", "admin"])
return user.roles.include?(admin_role)
def is_customer?(user)
admin_role = Role.find(:first, :conditions => ["name = ?", "customer"])
return user.roles.include?(admin_role)
After that include application helper in application controller and define this method
def after_sign_out_path_for(resource_or_scope)
if is_admin?(current_user)
home_path = "/admin/users/sign_in"
elsif is_customer?(current_user)
home_path = "/customer"
respond_to?(home_path, true) ? send(root_path) : home_path
Hope it will work fine !!!
You can override the after_sign_out_path_for(resource) method that devise uses. Just mention the logic or just the desired redirection path after checking the roles of your user in the method. The devise session's destroy action calls the redirection path through this method.
def after_sign_out_path_for(resource)
Hope this is helpful..
The Devise README covers how to set up custom routes and controllers. In short you'll want to customize your routes for each model, e.g.:
devise_for :admins, :controllers => { :sessions => "admins/sessions" }
devise_for :customers, :controllers => { :sessions => "customers/sessions" }
Then create the corresponding controllers and override Devise::SessionsController#destroy
, e.g.:
class Admins::SessionsController < Devise::SessionsController
def destroy
redirect_to ...