I have the following class ProtokollEvent
public class ProtokollEvent extends Event {
//variable holds all devices in given protokoll
private ObservableList<Device> devicesList;
//variable holds SaveResult
private SaveResult result;
//final ProtokollEvents
public static final EventType<ProtokollEvent> PROTOKOLL_SAVE = new EventType(ANY, "PROTOKOLL_SAVE");
public static final EventType<ProtokollEvent> PROTOKOLL_SAVE_DONE = new EventType(ANY, "PROTOKOLL_SAVE_DONE");
public static final EventType<ProtokollEvent> PROTOKOLL_UPDATED = new EventType(ANY, "PROTOKOLL_UPDATED");
public static final EventType<ProtokollEvent> PROTOKOLL_DELETED = new EventType(ANY, "PROTOKOLL_DELETED");
public ProtokollEvent() {
public ProtokollEvent(EventType<? extends Event> arg0) {
public ProtokollEvent(Object arg0, EventTarget arg1, EventType<? extends Event> arg2) {
super(arg0, arg1, arg2);
* getDevices will return current {@link Device} as ObservableList
* @return {@link ObservableList} of type {@link Device}
public ObservableList getDev() {
return devicesList;
* setDevices will set devicesList
* @param devices ObservableList {@link Device}
public void setDev(ObservableList devices) {
this.devicesList = devices;
* get the result which is returned from calling saveProtokoll
* @return result {@link SaveResult}
public SaveResult getResult() {
return result;
* set the result which is returned after calling saveMessprotokoll in RestCall
* @param result {@link SaveResult}
public void setResult(SaveResult result) {
this.result = result;
in the second class
public class SaveUtils {
private MainWindowController controller;
private ObservableList<RowContainerPruefvorschriftController> rows;
private Protokoll lastSavedProtokoll;
private Protokoll currentSavingProtokoll;
public SaveUtils(MainWindowController control){
this.controller = control;
private void startSaving(){
currentSavingProtokoll = createProtokoll();
boolean state = controller.networkOnline.get() ? saveOnline() :saveOffline();
public void setRows(ObservableList<RowContainerPruefvorschriftController> rows) {
this.rows = rows;
//if rows get set start saveing the data
private boolean saveOffline(){
return false;
private boolean saveOnline() {
RestCall call = controller.getCall();
//call saveMessprotokoll and look what SaveResult returns
SaveResult result = call.saveMessprotokoll(currentSavingProtokoll);
//create ProtokollEvent to tell all consumers if all was ok
ProtokollEvent save = new ProtokollEvent(ProtokollEvent.PROTOKOLL_SAVE_DONE);
//HOW to fire/dispatch the ProtokollEvent here??????
//TODO: need to fire this event and listen for it in other classes
else {
controller.setLoggerMessage("SavedOnline not successful->Error:"+result.getError_message());
return true;
in the saveOnline function i create a ProtokollEvent and pass it some values. What i now want is to fire or dispatch this event so other code parts could listen to this.
I tried with fireEvent() but as i understood the Oracle-DOCs only NODEs, Windows and Scene are able to do so. But how could i solve it with my custom class?
Additional i ask myself whats is the difference between fireEvent and dispatchEvent?