I have a query output as below.
Name Price ProductTypeCode
Ram 120 P1
RAM 130 P1
RAM 140 P1
RAM 240 P1
RAM 340 P1
RAM 190 P2
RAM 160 P2
I want to Arrange the above output as:
Name P2Price P1Price
Ram 190 120
RAM 160 130
RAM null 140
RAM null 240
RAM null 340
Please help me to achieve the above output.
You can use row_number()
to enumerate the prices. Then pivot the data. The following query does this using conditional aggregation:
select name,
max(case when producttypecode = 'p2' then price end) as p2price,
max(case when producttypecode = 'p1' then price end) as p1price
from (select t.*,
row_number() over (partition by name, producttypecode order by name) as seqnum
from table t
) t
group by name, seqnum;
Following Query will return your expected result regardless of DB2 version.
SELECT name,
CASE WHEN producttypecode = 'p2' THEN price END AS p2price,
CASE WHEN producttypecode = 'p1' THEN price END AS p1price
FROM YourTable
You may also try(depends on DB2 version):
DECODE(producttypecode , 'p2', price) AS p2pricel,
DECODE(producttypecode , 'p1', price) AS p1price
FROM YourTable