When I run logic tests with Xcode 4 and failures occur, the test failures are listed in the issue navigator and the lines of code where the failures occur are highlighted in the editor.
For example, with this logic test:
- (void)testExample
STFail(@"Unit tests are not implemented yet in TinyWordsLogicTests");
The line with STFail is highlighted as an error in the editor, with the error message "Unit tests are not implemented yet in TinyWordsLogicTests" appearing to the right of the line of code.
When I create a similar test with an STFail call in my application testing target and run the application tests on my device, the output of the test shows that it failed, but no error is listed in the issue navigator and the line of code with the failure is not highlighted.
Is it possible to achieve the same level of error reporting in the IDE with application tests as is possible with logic tests?