HTML email image tag missing src attribute

2019-08-06 20:32发布


I have a problem that I cant find the answer by Googling. I hope I can get one here. My problem is: My system can send email to user. On local, an image tag on email is like this:

<img src="http://myimageurl" width="300" style="display:block;margin:auto" alt="">

When working on real server:

<img width="300" style="display:block;margin:auto" alt="">

As you can see, my src attribute is disspeared. I just dont know why!

My email tempalte(Im using cakePhp):

echo $this->Html->image(
    Router::url('/', true). 'img/eventflair-logo.png',
            'width' => '300',
            'style' => 'display:block; margin: auto'

Best Regards.


Gmail by default doesn't show images in email. To see the original email source select "show original" from email dropdown menu.


It seems gmail recently become more strict on urls allowed in emails. I had an img url that was formatted like "//" which would render find on gmail until around a month ago, and is now having problems like you described.

It looks like gmail is auto appending the http:// to the url, so taking out the 2 leading /s worked for me. Maybe taking out the http:// from your url will work.