When I tried to run the following command on the command line, I get the storage size.
curl -G -d "key=val" ''
"userQuotaMax" : 675048,
"userQuotaUsed" : 439191
If I try to run in my python script, Then, I can'not get the same data.
arg_list = curl -G -d "key=val" ''
p = Popen(arg_list, shell=True, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT, executable='/bin/bash')
output = p.stdout.read()
print output
Any helps would be really appreciated.
Instead of calling curl using popen(), you might be better served by using requests.
so something like (for GET):
import requests
payload = {"key" :"val"}
response = requests.get("", data=payload)
so something like (for POST):
import requests
payload = {"key" :"val"}
response = requests.post("", data=payload)
Should return (assuming the api returns html/text, if it returns JSON, have a look at response.json() explained at the link above):
"userQuotaMax" : 675048,
"userQuotaUsed" : 439191
Hope this helps you
My first guess is you have issues with quoting. Try this instead:
arg_list = ['/usr/bin/curl', '-G', '-d', 'key=val', '']
p = Popen(arg_list, shell=False, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT)
import pycurl
from StringIO import StringIO
data_size = StringIO()
curl_command = pycurl.Curl()
curl_command.setopt(curl_command.URL, 'http://{}:9005/as/system/storage'.format(ip))
curl_command.setopt(curl_command.WRITEDATA, data_size)
output = data_size.getvalue()
This is also another solution with pycurl module. But, I think requests is better one :)