move item control bar videojs

2019-08-06 13:58发布


I'm using the video.js 4.12 library and I want replace control bar items. For example, move one of my custom buttons to the 2nd slot of the control bar.

How do I change the order of items on the taskbar? I had no luck on Google.


Videojs place good class on elements. By this way you can identify control bar's elements.

To handle the item's order I used Jquery :

var createPrevButton = function() {
        var props = {
            className: 'vjs-control player-prev-button', //We use this class in Jquery
            innerHTML: '<div class="vjs-control-content"></div>',
            role: 'button',
            'aria-live': 'polite',
            tabIndex: 0

        return videojs.Component.prototype.createEl(null, props);

var myPlayer = me.player = videojs(me.idVideo, {
        plugins : { chapters : {} },
        children: {
            controlBar: {
                children: [
                        name: 'playToggle'
                        name: 'currentTimeDisplay'
                        name: 'timeDivider'
                        name: 'durationDisplay'


After the instanciation of my player just handle item by Jquery. I think it's better than use CSS. But the best way should be by videojs's option or somethink like that