I add some HTML content adding setInnerHtml() inside my NgComponent.
Logging shows, that directives are instantiated but {{ctrl.xxx}}
expressions are not evaluated.
For setting the HTML I use a directive derived form ng-bind-html with a custom NodeValidator
and the following value
set value(value) {
_element.setInnerHtml((value == null ? '' : value.toString()),
validator: validator);
if(value != null) {
BlockFactory template = _compiler(_element.children, _directiveMap);
Block block = template.bind(_injector)(_scope);
I have also some <input type='text' ng-model='ctrl.someValue'>
in the inserted HTML.
The debugger shows that the ng-model is instantiated and
the getter ctrl.someValue
gets called
but the input element doesn't show the returned value.
When I insert the generated HTML statically as template
all works fine.
How can get dynamically inserted HTML fully processed by Angular.